4 Tips to Help You Get More Done While Working From Home


While working from home has its benefits, being able to get things done in time can get increasingly tricky unless you have a system in place. But given that the ‘new normal’ is far from what anyone envisioned, learning to work from home can be a valuable skill for most of us to have in our arsenal.

We’ve put together a list of tips to guide you through establishing an efficient and sustainable home office that helps your productivity soar.

Create a Schedule

Offices offer structure and boundaries. At home, both those lines can get increasingly blurred, primarily due to new responsibilities such as homeschooling or grocery shopping, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Think about your daily routine and allow yourself room to keep the things you enjoy doing, like walking the dog or yoga at the end of the day. Next, email your colleagues or print copies for the extended family so that everyone is on the same page. This way, everyone can set their expectations accordingly.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Being a substantial part of a team is vital to success. Even if you are an independent consultant, find ways to connect with your team through the day via phone calls, conferences, and virtual chats if necessary. Be flexible about meeting times and talk to them about other projects or ways you can help.

Go for A Walk

For some of us, working from home can mean that you find yourself locked into one space for the better half of the day. Finding the time to take a walk outside can help you feel more active and clear your head. Schedule light work calls or catching up with friends during this time if you must so that you don’t feel isolated even during this time of social distancing.

Create a Space for Your Home Office

Even if you have a small home, maintaining boundaries is key to your success and productivity. Having a spacious home office can be a luxury, but even if you don’t, you can position a desk in a low traffic area with plenty of light and use that as your workspace.