Top 5 Money-Saving Water Heater Hacks


Are you looking to save money when running your water heater? A water heater is an integral part of your home, but it’s not inexpensive to run. At the same time, taking showers, washing the dishes, and doing the laundry without it would be so much more difficult. That’s why we’ve got five key tips to help you reduce your utility bill without compromising on your water heater usage.

Lower Your Thermostat

A majority of water heater thermostats are preset to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. You don’t really need a temperature as hot as this. More importantly, by keeping at this temperature, you’ll end up wasting a lot of money. For instance, if your temperature stays at 140 degrees, you’ll be throwing more than $400 down the drain on an annual basis.

The Energy Department suggests turning down the thermostat to 120 degrees, a comfortable number for your budget and you, too. The thermostat can be adjusted by referring to the heater’s owner’s manual. However, before making any adjustments, always shut off the electricity.

Drain Sediment

Sediment will naturally build up inside the tank of your water heater. As a result, the transfer of heat will slow down, and the heater won’t be as efficient. Hence, you’ll be forced to spend more money heating the water, especially if you receive hard water. You can prevent this buildup by draining only a few quarts of sediment from your heater every three months.

Have the Tank Insulated

A practical way of saving your water heater from doing unnecessary work is to wrap it in an insulated blanket. This will decrease standby heat loss and keep the tank warmer for a longer duration. The blankets or sheets of heavy plastic attached to fiberglass are great if your heater is kept in a basement or is aging.

Insulate the Hot Water Pipes

Besides the tank, insulating the pipes helps the water to be released at the desired temperature, so less energy and money is consumed in warming it up. Remember that these pipes may be located in hard-to-reach places, so call a licensed plumber if you need assistance.

Get Leaky Faucets Fixed

Leaky faucets can slowly increase your water bill. Each drip, when accumulated, could amount to a significant amount of water lost. In addition, if the water released out of that leaky faucet is hot, your water heater is working harder and, in turn, impacting your electricity bill.