Types of Software Every Business Must Use


As a small business owner, employing the best software tools is absolutely essential to the success of your company. The list below outlines a few essential types of software products that modern businesses should consider using.

Accounting Software

For small business owners and solopreneurs who need to manage their finances, choosing the right accounting software is an essential task. Xero, FreshBooks, and QuickBooks are three accounting software packages that help simplify the book-keeping process through reporting tools and detailed client statements.

Payroll Software

Whether you are just starting out as an entrepreneur or have been operating a business for some time, you need quality payroll software to carry the accounting load. Fortunately, payroll software tools like Xero help users process payslips, year-end bonuses, superannuation payments, and a number of other payroll concerns. This can be a lifesaver for busy small business owners.

Time Tracking Software

Understanding how your employees are using their time is crucial to the success of your business. Fortunately, time tracking software allows users to track the time they spend on different tasks accurately. These tools can help you identify where your team may be spending too much or too little time. If you’re looking to use time tracking software, MinuteDock is an application that works really well.

Project Management Software

A project management software program can increase efficiency and help businesses organize complex projects. This type of software helps break down a specific task into multiple segments while still allowing a comprehensive overall view of the project. With a project management app like Trello, you can simplify your business operation and increase its efficiency by organizing your vast projects into smaller segments that you can easily allocate resources to and give as much attention as they require.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

By using a CRM, small business owners are able to determine the performance of specific campaigns, keep tabs on the exact reasons customers are leaving, and generally make more informed decisions about business relationships. Companies such as Zoho offer user-friendly interfaces, powerful analysis tools, and innovative features which allow businesses to foster meaningful relationships with their customers.